Monday, March 17, 2008

The trials of taking pictures

This is what I put up with taking pictures!!

Buster always need to be near me

1 comment:

angelinabeadalina said...

Hey, give that Buster a behind the ears scratch or two for me, okay? I'll bookmark ya and read more when I get home later. Right now, I am sitting in your Panera, sipping a way too late in the afternoon espresso and not sharing this caramel brownie with anyone :) Grandma and Soupie are entertaining the youngin's. I am soooooooo bummed that I missed a second chance to see the cranes, but there's a whole flock of goldfinches in Mother's big rosebush bed outside the living room window. Whooops, rambling away, when I just wanted to say "Lookin' good, and keep on writin'!" Ang