I received a very pleasant surprise yesterday, Diana or as I know her Nightmaiden featured me in her blog. It always pleases me to see what others say about my work. Those who know me know I am over critical about it. You may check out the article here:
I went to the Dr. today and he prescribed Water Therapy for me 2-3 times a week. I love the water so this might be a great thing. He stills feels that I am improving and still have not hit an apex. He called me a Bulldog ? Said he had so many patients that are just happy with basic functioning and didn't have the amount of damage I had. I have already surpassed and expectations and still continue to improve. Told us today he never thought I would be able to touch my head to fix my hair. HUH? It has all become a strength issue for me know I need to work at functionally learning how to use my arm again.
Gotta run see you all tomorrow.