I have no excuse for my absence, I have just gotten out of the habit of Blogging when we lost Internet service. My whole routine was upset and I found other things to piddle away the afternoon, read and sleep and then of course dreaded housework!! I received a wonderful note from my cousin (Hi Teri) who said she had a lovely visit with me the afternoon she read all the entries of my Blog. It reminded me that I do enjoy writing about my non exciting life in this beautiful country called Kentucky.
It is late and I guess I should head to bed, promise I'll be back over the weekend.
Hi Yourself! This is wonderful - I am really not technological and almost never go to blogs, but this family visit is so cozy. You reminded me I too have some of those plastic ornaments from our aunt. Two come to mind: A clear plastic bell with a slightly bluish tint inside which is a little felt snowman santa; the other is a plastic white and glittery filigris-looking ball with poinsettia on top; and yup, they contained a tightly rolled up dollar bill. How about the massively snow-flocked trees with big blue ornaments?
I wanted to tell you about Matthew's crushed left shoulder, in relation to yours. His happened when a truck pulling a boat and trailer over the bridge, came loose and the trailer tongue spun across the road, piercing the front of our van, our son, and up out the roof. It was an absolute miracle he survived and sometimes he still shows people his scars, one shaped like an anchor because he says he is anchored in Christ; the other is shaped like a W which he says is for washed in the blood. He too has had an amazing recovery.
The pictures of Kelli and her children are too cute, and yes, it is like seeing Tish all over again in them and their mom.
My garden is a ramble, too. I like the wild pflox and blackeyed susans and daisies which grow so well. I got on a website for our county extension office and was able to match up names to several intersting plants which pop up, dangle, or have berries. My biggest problem is the moles and gophers - they tear everything up, eat way beyond their hearts' content, and I have literally stood there and watched tomato, onion and potato plants shake, wiggle and disappear mysteriously into the ground, leaving a hole and a few leaves in it behind. I've tried juicy fruit gum, poison peanuts, noise, traps, pitchfork, even shooting, and they just multiply. One time as I was cultivating by hand I came across some tunnels and a nicely excavated treasure room with lots of peels from my red and white onions and some other stuff. Guess they are really enjoying themselves. This year is probably going to have to be different because of my health problems have greatly reduced my capacity, endurance and energy. When it was time to harvest my several sweet potato plants last fall, I was unable to do anything except lie there and rest, so the other day I went out with a shovel to see if they were still there. Oh! what a lovely crop it HAD been, but they are all rotted in the ground now. I was asking Richard about some of those half barrels they sell if I can find some cheap, and arrange them close by in the front yard where I have some other buckets and things of onions and herbs. Maybe I'll try to harness in the chickens and enlarge the area to put a few tomato, sugar snap pea and green bean poles, and tuck in my garlic. The old garden is down the slope to the forest. I tried to keep the chickens in there the other day, but they roosted on the fence at night, and in the morning they flew off the wrong way back into the yard. Oh, well. Maybe Katelyn will help me clip their wings so they can't do that.
I'll write more when something occurs to me. Oh, add an "E" to the end of me. Love, you....Terie
LOL I love that picture, he is there every time I have gone to Panera Bread...isn't that dog an absolute doll!!!! Such a well behaved dog!
Great photo Mari and funny story. Hope the physical therapy is going well. Hope to meet you on the 25th of April!!
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